Captain homeward pays his way
in token dream words of
the day.
Believe it not but walk
that way,
in token dream words of
the day.
Captain homeward hears no rhyme
in broken lyrics lost in time.
Believe it not nor its
ancient chime,
the broken lyrics due to time.
Silent memories come his way
breathing into yesterday
Silent memories come his way.
The floating driftwood
lost at sea.
Dreaming of what use to be.
The flying sails above
the sea
from the streamer's majesty.
The wrecked ship upon the waves,
singing back his sailing days.
The vision forever stay
crying back his sailing days.
Silent memories come his way
breathing into yesterday
Silent memories come his way.
after I wrote this, my closest of friends, Artie Turco (1949-1996)
and I put it to music. It met some local success as did 'Going
Away from Here' and 'Sweet Young Girl of Yesterday.'
All put to music by Artie.

Pick up the Pail, Johnny
Pick up the pail. Johnny,
you'll be milking the cows from now on.
Pick up the pail and carry it with a song.
Your father is giving up the milking, Johnny,
and I am leaving the job up to you.
So hurry, son, while I ready a bite and stew.
The job is a rough one, offspring,
when one does not know the ropes.
and in you are the elder's hopes.
Pick up the pail, Johnny.
You would have too,
Whether someone else was doing it or not. |