Nowhere but in this
garden can one find a flea tree.
Nowhere but on a flea
tree can one find a reed leave.
Or leaf, if you like.
Never but on a reed leave
can one smell oriential haze.
Never but in a smell of
haze will one vision a cantering cars.
Or car, if you desire.
Nowhere but on a
cantering cars can one find a garden.
And only in this garden
do flea trees ripen and become harden.
Or hard, if you hate grammar.

Gain or Lose?
What does it rofit a man
when he gains the world?
Soundful seas with waves
which curl.
Bright golden sunsets on
beaches and sands.
Towering mountains and
green farming lands.
Gold of the upmost and
silver galore.
Streamed restaurants and
all chains of stores.
Miracle medicines,
chemicals, women and all double chins.
All the film festivals
and museums and Disneylands.
Glasses, dishes, pots and pans.
People of wisdom and
people of hate.
Sore throats, stomach
pains and headaches
Lust to no ends and rapes
every night.
Claiming excitement and
terrifying fright.
Death at many doorsteps
and corpses in slum streets.
Leopard fingers and
forstbitten feet.