Why this ship which lays
in the harbor?
Condemned by some, to
some a martyr.
Why this ship which lays
in the harbor?
Where is a mast to sail
her onward?
In fact, why is she not
built of sturdy, strong wood?
But she cries,
"Onward, onward!"
A ship for centuries; a
ship forever.
A place of love; and
wonton endeavor.
A woman, forever, for all.

Let the Timbers Shake
Blessed is the ship which
takes me home.
May the wind fill her sail.
And the Bow and Stern,
may they never moan.
May the waters form her tale.
Lovely is the clipper
that sees me along.
May her captian see no storm.
And have no wind guide
her wrong.
May her crew see each
beautiful morn.
Let the ship which takes
me home,
Be proud to sail the sea.
And Neptune below God's
parting foam,
Allow her course to be free. |