Hugo and I sat silently
upon a beach near Troy.
He alone with secret thoughts
and I alone with joy.
The wind blew soft as
does moonlight
tossing the ocean toy.
While Hugo and I sat silent
upon a beach near Troy.
Within the twilight we
did see
three ships go sailing by.
With hugh white cannas
slapping up
against a grayish sky.
And I turned to Hugo then
but battered not an eye.
For I knew what to answer him
as Hugo knows to I.
Days have numbered,
nights were cast
since our meeting there.
But Hugo and I must go on,
meetings only are rare.
But we will pocket that
lone beach
and use it as a fare.
When Peter turns to Hugo
and I will not be there.
Calderara, Buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Vermont, 1973.
was my mentor in the art of drawing full sizes for the trade. He and
Don Sheriff. |