Count To Satan





Poems  by Sea and Moonlight

A Smile
I have a SEED
Somewhere within I am
Letter to My Brother Frank
Dictation for a Dictator
An Open Door; Heed It
Toast to You
Gleaming Eyes
Said Ken to Me
Count to Satan
Reflective Voyage
Pick up the Pail
Death Today
Quick Life
Old Man's Whistle
God Is:
Each Season
As If Infinity
One Hears the Tune
Have I forgotten Jesus?
Brain Damage
Church Description
Death in a Jungle
Ten Lines
Nature's Law
It's Still Sad
The Flea Tree
Gain or Lose
Going Away from Here
Talking about People
Towns and their People
Dear, Dear, Dearest
Top Line
Mountains Reach
Upon these Grounds
A Ship?
Let the Timbers Shake
Winds of Fate
Sweet Young Girl
Fingers of Nature
The Lord Spoke
The Celtic Told Me
Poem to Pat
A Free Man

Your heart, my friend, is full of greed,
You seem to smile in a farfetched key.
And visions you see must all be bad,
'Cause you're convinced life is already had.

I believe you could reach into man's deepest part.
I know you can remove the good from a man's best heart -
A devil riding upon a silver-laced cart.

Satan so evil, satan so bad,
Goodness is something you never had.
Go with the winds and sing with the dead,
And show your skin as a deep lusty red.

Set your fires about your throne,
Set your fires in the midst of our homes.
Alight your flames upon your lonely sea.
Alight your flames, sit,
  And wait for me.


White curtains on the window to decorate the
over-tolerated outer scene. The chair before
the window that has been sat in too much
and too long. One person dwindling behind the
voice of another. And both knowing they are
each alive.
One, is all but two.