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Volume 2
The Pearl Queen

Welcome To The Castle

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Volume 2
The Pearl Queen

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Vol. 2 No.8
N o n a q
Pronounced: No-Nack


WARNING!!!!!!!!!  WARNING!!!!!!!!!  WARNING!!!!!!!!!


The Nonaq is the most ugly, the most hideous
and the most  scary critter ever. It is not allowed to be seen
 on any planet in the entire universe ever. Even
 on the planet you are on right now or ever.
 You should speak to your folks or your most
 trusted friends before looking at this comic
 beyond this point. Ever. 
Maybe NEVER is a better word.
Never ever look upon the Nonaq or the most ugly, 
the most hideous and the most scary things will happen
to you and all your friends and your folks 
and your pets ...
                       especially to your pet cat.